One long-anticipated feature of what is soon to be PowerShell 7 is the use of Windows Forms. Technically, it is the .NET Framework that provides for form handling, but with the latest Preview.2 of PowerShell 7, this is now possible!
Here is a Windows Forms-based script that now works just fine in Powershell 7 Preview 2.
First, here is the code:
# Get-Shares Windows Forms Script
# Load System.Windows.Forms
Add-Type -Assembly System.Windows.Forms
# Get PowerShell version details
$Maj = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
$Min = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor
$Ver = "$Maj.$Min"
# Create form
$Form = New-Object Windows.Forms.Form
$Form.Width = 750
$Form.Height = 650
$Form.Text = "My First Windows Forms Application - PowerShell Version $ver"
# Create a "computer name" label control and add it to the form
# Set label location, text, size, etc
$Label1 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Label
$Label1.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 50, 50
$Label1.Text = "Computer Name:"
$Label1.Visible = $true
# Create a text box to get computer name and add to form
$Text1 = new-object windows.forms.textbox
$Text1.Location = New-Object system.drawing.point 150, 50
$Text1.Text = "Localhost"
$Text1.Visible = $true
# Create a label to output stuff
$Label2 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Label
$Label2.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 50, 100
$Label2.Width = 750
$Label2.Height = 360
$Label2.Text = ""
$Label2.Visible = $true
# Create a button to get the shares
$Button1 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button
$Button1.text = "Push To Get Shares"
$Button1.width = 150
$Button1.location = new-object drawing.point 350, 50
# Define Getting Shares Button Click handler
$Button1_OnClick = {
$Label1.Text = "Getting Shares"
$Shares = Get-CimInstance WIn32_Share -ComputerName $Text1.Text
$Label2.Font = [System.Drawing.Font]::new('Courier New', 10)
$Label2.Text = "Shares on $($Text1.Text):`n"
Foreach ($Share in $Shares) {
$Name = $Share.Name
If ($Name.Length -gt 17) {
$name = $($Name.substring(0,17)+'...').padright(16)
$Path = $share.Path
$Label2.Text += "{0,-20} {1}`n" -f $Name, $Path
$Label1.Text = "Computer Name:"
# Add the script block handler
# Now create a button to close window
$Button2 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button
$Button2.Text = "Push To Close Form"
$Button2.Width = 150
$Button2.Location = New-Object drawing.point 160, 550
# Define Button Click handler
$Button2_OnClick = {
# Add the script block handler
# finally, show the form as dialog box.
Success. A working Windows.Forms script that runs great on Windows PowerShell now runs fine in PowerShell 7 Preview.2 (and beyond into infinity....)
Here is a Windows Forms-based script that now works just fine in Powershell 7 Preview 2.
First, here is the code:
# Get-Shares Windows Forms Script
# Load System.Windows.Forms
Add-Type -Assembly System.Windows.Forms
# Get PowerShell version details
$Maj = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
$Min = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor
$Ver = "$Maj.$Min"
# Create form
$Form = New-Object Windows.Forms.Form
$Form.Width = 750
$Form.Height = 650
$Form.Text = "My First Windows Forms Application - PowerShell Version $ver"
# Create a "computer name" label control and add it to the form
# Set label location, text, size, etc
$Label1 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Label
$Label1.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 50, 50
$Label1.Text = "Computer Name:"
$Label1.Visible = $true
# Create a text box to get computer name and add to form
$Text1 = new-object windows.forms.textbox
$Text1.Location = New-Object system.drawing.point 150, 50
$Text1.Text = "Localhost"
$Text1.Visible = $true
# Create a label to output stuff
$Label2 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Label
$Label2.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 50, 100
$Label2.Width = 750
$Label2.Height = 360
$Label2.Text = ""
$Label2.Visible = $true
# Create a button to get the shares
$Button1 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button
$Button1.text = "Push To Get Shares"
$Button1.width = 150
$Button1.location = new-object drawing.point 350, 50
# Define Getting Shares Button Click handler
$Button1_OnClick = {
$Label1.Text = "Getting Shares"
$Shares = Get-CimInstance WIn32_Share -ComputerName $Text1.Text
$Label2.Font = [System.Drawing.Font]::new('Courier New', 10)
$Label2.Text = "Shares on $($Text1.Text):`n"
Foreach ($Share in $Shares) {
$Name = $Share.Name
If ($Name.Length -gt 17) {
$name = $($Name.substring(0,17)+'...').padright(16)
$Path = $share.Path
$Label2.Text += "{0,-20} {1}`n" -f $Name, $Path
$Label1.Text = "Computer Name:"
# Add the script block handler
# Now create a button to close window
$Button2 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button
$Button2.Text = "Push To Close Form"
$Button2.Width = 150
$Button2.Location = New-Object drawing.point 160, 550
# Define Button Click handler
$Button2_OnClick = {
# Add the script block handler
# finally, show the form as dialog box.
And here you can see the results. First against first a work station:
And here a DC
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