Showing posts with label GPO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GPO. Show all posts

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Free Group Policy Cmdlet from SDM Software

Those nice folks over at the SDM Software Group have posted a new Group Policy Cmdlet. This PoweShell cmdlet lets you check the health of Group Policy processing across computers in your domain. The cmdlethas a number of parameters you can use to check different aspects of GP Health. The cmdlet provides a quick "red or green" status indication of GP processing on an end-user system. It also provides a detailed listing of GPOs that apply to a given computer/user.  A very neat tool! And free!

The cmdlet comes wrapped in an MSI that installs the cmdlet into your environment. After running the MSI, you just need to invoke add-pssnapin to get the snap-in installed into your environment.,

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Group Policy and PowerShell in Windows 7

Following on from the PDC, details of Windows 7, and Windows Server 7 (aka Windows Server 2008 R2) are starting to be publicly announced.Over on the Group Policy Team Blog Lillia has blogged about PowerShell and Group Policy in Windows 7. She outlines three cool new PowerShell related functions coming in Windows 7:

  • Extending startup/shutdown and logon/logoff scripts to use PowerShell
  • Use Cmdlets to perform actions that previously needed the GPMC com object or the sample scripts
  • Configuring GPO registry settings directly from PowerShell.

The last of these is very cool! I can’t wait to see more!!