Showing posts with label podcast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label podcast. Show all posts

Thursday, August 18, 2011

PowerShell Cmdlet of the Day Podcast

I see Tome Tanasovski, PowerShell MVP from New York, has started an interesting new podcast, the PowerShell Cmdlet of the Day Podcast. It’s inaugural  edition was yesterday and it looked at the Get-Input cmdlet from the ShowUI modle. It’s worth a listen to! And be sure to send in your comments!

You can subscribe to the Podcast on Itunes, via the website: You can also get the RSS from Feedburner at:


Friday, January 23, 2009

Get-Scripting Podcast

I recently wrote about a cool weekly Podcast, The PowerScripting Podcast, delivered by Jonathan Walz and Hal Rottenberg. This is a great resource, and you can watch it in progress every Friday Morning at 0200 UK time. For most normal folks, this may be a bit much to ask, but you can of course download it later. One interesting aspect – the podcast is broadcast with a live chat going on. Sadly, this week, that failed, as noted over on the Podcast’s blog site.

More recently, I discovered a UK podcast, the Get-Scripting Podcast presented by Jonathan Medd and recently co-hosted by Alan Renouf. This is a monthly podcast and is prepared partly in advance (the interviews are pre-recorded). You can download this podcast from the blog site,, or via iTunes.

At last week’s PowerShell use group meeting, I was interviewed for the Get-Scripting podcast. If I understand it correctly, the interview will be included in the next podcast, due for release this week. It was a lot of fun to record this interview. I spent some time talking about my first experience with PowerShell (over 5 years ago when it was still called Monad) – I hope the $20 dollar story will be interesting to some. I also spent some time talking about the Microsoft PowerShell class which I helped develop.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Jeffrey Snover and Bruce Payette on the PowerScripting Podcast

I love downloading podcasts to my Zune and listening to them as I travel. I’ve got a bit of a backlog, but one I’ve just downloaded and will be listening to shortly (possibly tomorrow as I head from Milan back to London) is the PowerScripting Podcast, Episode 53  which features Jeffrey Snover and Bruce Payette.

You can listen to the podcast on your PC, or download it to your MP3 player. The file, PSPodcast-053.mp3, is just over 38mb.

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Sunday, December 07, 2008

PowerScripting Podcast

For those of you who like podcasts and PowerShell, take a look at the PowerScripting Podcast site. These podcasts are primarily all about PowerShell and air weekly. The last episode (their 50th!!) featured Ed Wilson, who wrote PowerShell Step-by-Step.

You can listen to them online. Or you can do as I do and subscribe to them and get them downloaded to my Zune (or your IPOD via I-Tunes). Using my Zune software, I just add the feed from I’ve got the last few podcasts loaded up and will be listening to them on my long flight to India.

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