Showing posts with label LogMeIn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LogMeIn. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2014

LogMeIn Eliminating Free Option

I’ve been a LotMeIn user for some time. I find it very useful when I’m on the road and discover I’ve left an important file at home, or I want to use my home systems to demo something. The Free version of LogMeIn Suited me perfectly.

Then, thanks to reports over on Spiceworks, I discover today that this wonderful free version is being removed and users are being asked to start paying. Worse, existing fees have been dramatically increased all with no notice – some users say they only discovered the price hike when they got their CC bill. Others make the point that with no notice, getting budget approval in these tight times, is going to be next to impossible.

GIgaOm has an article about this move: here.

The message here to LogMeIn (and others considering the same thing) is simple: by all means raise your prices, but do so in a more transparent way and giving notice to loyal users (in our case formerly loyal soon to be ex-users). Other wise you are going to lose customers – and what’s worse lose good will.

Given this move, I’m moving off of LogMeIn – I hope to remove it all in the next day or two and replace it with a competitor. I suspect LogMeIn is going to see it’s competitors benefit from this move.

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