Showing posts with label QUEST. Show all posts
Showing posts with label QUEST. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

PowerShell Audit Reports – Turning Great Scripts Into a Module

I just read a neat blog post entitled PowerShelling Audit Reports over on the TenBrink Tech blog. This blog post sets out three scripts: GetRecursiveGroupMembership.ps1, Audit-QuickGroup.ps1, and Audit-MultipleGroups.ps1. The second and third make use of the first. They make use of Quests’s AD tools to create CSV file(s) containing details of members in an AD Group.

Scripts to Modules

Dillon (the post’s author) has implemented all three of these as separate PS1 files. Which is so Version 1. :-)!!  As I read through his scripts, I could not escape the felling that a much better approach would be to implement them as a single module with PowerShell V2. So I did! It took a bit more time than I’d hoped, but it helped me to learn a bit more about modules in PowerShell V2.

Creating a Module

I first created a module file (audit.psm1) which contained the three functions Dillon created. These were slightly modified to be functions rather than script files, but the resulting module is essentially identical to the original. I also created a module manifest, which describes the module, and indicates the functions the module should expose to the user once the module is imported. I felt the first function was a helper function so the module only exports two functions not all three.Of course, I could be wrong, but it did make an interesting challenge – just exporting two of the three functions using a manifest.

Here’s the PSM1 Module itself:

  1. # 
  2. Write-Host "Importing Module Audit.psm1" 
  3. function Get-RecursiveGroupMembership { 
  4. <# 
  6.     Gets membership of a group.   
  8.     Uses recursion to handle nested groups 
  9. .NOTES 
  10.     File Name  : Audit.psm1 
  11.     Author     : Dillon (@tealshark on Twitter) 
  12.     Updated by : Thomas Lee 
  13.     Requires   : PowerShell V2 CTP3 
  14.     This is a helper function and not exported by the module. 
  15. .LINK 
  18. .PARAMETER DistinguishedName 
  19.     This paramater is the DN of the group you want to expand 
  20. .PARAMETER AddOtherTypes 
  21.     This parameter adds other types to the search 
  22. #> 
  24. param
  25. [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$TRUE, ValueFromPipeline=$TRUE)]   
  26. [string] $distinguishedname
  27. [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$FALSE, ValueFromPipeline=$FALSE)]     
  28. [bool] $addOtherTypes = $false 
  30. # Start of function 
  31.  $members = @() 
  33.  $this = (Get-QADGroup $distinguishedname).member | Get-QADObject 
  34.  $this | foreach
  35.       if ($_.type -eq ‘user’) { 
  36.           $members += $_ 
  37.       } 
  38.       elseif ($_.type -eq ‘group’) { 
  39.           Write-Host "Adding sub group $_" 
  40.           $members += Get-RecursiveGroupMembership $_.dn $addOtherTypes 
  41.       } 
  42.       else
  43.           if ($addOtherTypes -eq $true) { 
  44.               $members += $_ 
  45.            } 
  46.            else
  47.               Write-Host "Non user/group member detected. Not added. Use -addOtherTypes flag to add." 
  48.            } 
  49.        } 
  50.     } 
  51.     return $members 
  53. function Audit-QuickGroup { 
  54. <# 
  55. .SYNOPSIS 
  56.     This function takes the distinguishedName of a group in any domain and writes 
  57.     the results of that group membership to a csv file of the same name. 
  59.     This script uses get-recursivegroupmembership function to get the group membership 
  60. .NOTES 
  61.     File Name  : audit.psm1 
  62.     Author     : Dillon (@tealshark on Twitter) 
  63.     Updated by : Thomas Lee 
  64.     Requires   : PowerShell V2 CTP3 
  65.     This function is exported 
  66. .LINK 
  69. .EXAMPLE 
  70. .PARAMETER Name 
  71.     Disginguished name of a group whose membership the script will ascertain. 
  72. #> 
  74. param
  75. [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$TRUE, ValueFromPipeline=$TRUE)]   
  76. [string] $Name 
  78. # Start of Function 
  79. $Csvdata = Get-RecursiveGroupMembership $name | select name,type,dn,title,office,description | convertto-csv -NoTypeInformation 
  80. $Filename = $Name + ".csv" 
  81. [String]$Reportdate = "Report Generated: " + [datetime]::Now 
  82. $f = new-item -itemtype file $filename 
  83. add-content $f "Audit Report - Active Directory Group - $name" 
  84. add-content $f $reportdate 
  85. add-content $f $csvdata 
  88. function Audit-MultipleGroups { 
  89. <# 
  90. .SYNOPSIS 
  91.     Gets membership of multiple groups 
  93.     This function uses the filtering abilities of the Quest Get-QADGroup cmdlet to  
  94.     get the membership of multiple groups. These are then written to multiple files. 
  95. .NOTES 
  96.     File Name  : get-autohelp.ps1 
  97.     Author     : Dillon (@tealshark on Twitter),  
  98.     Updated by : Thomas Lee 
  99.     Requires   : PowerShell V2 CTP3 
  100.     This function is exported 
  101. .LINK 
  103. .EXAMPLE 
  104.     Left as an exercise for the reader 
  105. .PARAMETER GroupInput 
  106.     The groups you want to audit. 
  107. #> 
  109. param
  110. [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$TRUE, ValueFromPipeline=$TRUE)]   
  111. [string] $GroupInput 
  113. # Start of function 
  114. # First get groups 
  115. $GroupList = get-qadgroup $groupinput 
  117. # Iterate through groups, creating output 
  118.  foreach ($Group in $GroupList) { 
  119.      Write-Host $group.dn 
  120.     $GroupMembers = Get-RecursiveGroupMembership $group.DN | select name,type,dn,title,office,description | convertto-csv -NoTypeInformation 
  121.     #now create file 
  122.     $filename = $Group.Name + ".csv" 
  123.     [String]$reportdate = "Report Generated: " + [datetime]::Now 
  124.     $file = New-Item -ItemType file $filename -Force 
  125.     Add-Content $file "Audit Report - Active Directory Group Membership" 
  126.     Add-Content $file $reportDate 
  127.     Add-Content $file $groupMembers 
  128.   } 
  130. # End of Module 

Creating the Manifest

I used the New-ModuleManifest cmdlet to produce the basic module manifest, the .psd1 file. I then did a bit of editing with PowerSHell plus to achieve this final manifest:

  1. # Module manifest for module 'audit' 
  2. # Generated by: Thomas Lee 
  4. @{ 
  5. # These modules will be processed when the module manifest is loaded. 
  6. NestedModules = 'Audit.psm1' 
  7. # This GUID is used to uniquely identify this module. 
  8. GUID = '5eed72f9-5f1d-4819-973c-63f80ccee415' 
  9. # The author of this module. 
  10. Author = 'Thomas Lee (, with functions by dillon.' 
  11. # The company or vendor for this module. 
  12. CompanyName = 'PS Partnership' 
  13. # The copyright statement for this module. 
  14. Copyright = '(c) PS Partnership 2009' 
  15. # The version of this module. 
  16. ModuleVersion = '1.0' 
  17. # A description of this module. 
  18. Description = 'This module is a packaging of audit scripts by Dillon into a single module.' 
  19. # The minimum version of PowerShell needed to use this module. 
  20. PowerShellVersion = '2.0' 
  21. # The CLR version required to use this module. 
  22. CLRVersion = '2.0' 
  23. # Functions to export from this manifest. 
  24. ExportedFunctions = ('Audit-QuickGroup', 'Audit-MultipleGroups'
  25. # Aliases to export from this manifest. 
  26. ExportedAliases = '*' 
  27. # Variables to export from this manifest. 
  28. ExportedVariables = '*' 
  29. # Cmdlets to export from this manifest. 
  30. ExportedCmdlets = '*' 
  31. # This is a list of other modules that must be loaded before this module. 
  32. RequiredModules = @() 
  33. # The script files (.ps1) that are loaded before this module. 
  34. ScriptsToProcess = @() 
  35. # The type files (.ps1xml) loaded by this module. 
  36. TypesToProcess = @() 
  37. # The format files (.ps1xml) loaded by this module. 
  38. FormatsToProcess = @() 
  39. # A list of assemblies that must be loaded before this module can work. 
  40. RequiredAssemblies = @() 
  41. # Lists additional items like icons, etc. that the module will use. 
  42. OtherItems = @() 
  43. # Module specific private data can be passed via this member. 
  44. PrivateData = '' 

The Results

It turns out that converting a set of script files, like Dillon created initially, into a module (as above) is easy. The syntax of the module file turns out to be a bit tricky, and the error messages and help text in CTP3 are woefully inadequate.

Here’s what this module looks like at runtime:

PS MyMod:\> # Note the module is not yet loaded so you get no output from Get-module

PS MyMod:\> Get-Module audit
PS MyMod:\> # So import the module, then look at module details

PS MyMod:\> Import-Module audit
Importing Module Audit.psm1
PS MyMod:\> Get-Module audit

Name              : audit
Path              : C:\Users\tfl\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\audit\audit.psd1
Description       : This module is a packaging of audit scripts by Dillon into a single module.
Guid              : 5eed72f9-5f1d-4819-973c-63f80ccee415
Version           : 1.0
ModuleBase        : C:\Users\tfl\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\audit
ModuleType        : Manifest
PrivateData       :
AccessMode        : ReadWrite
ExportedAliases   : {}
ExportedCmdlets   : {}
ExportedFunctions : {[Audit-QuickGroup, Audit-QuickGroup], [Audit-MultipleGroups, Audit-MultipleGroups]}
ExportedVariables : {}
NestedModules     : {Audit.psm1}

PS MyMod:\> # Here – use AutoHelp feature to get help on the exported function/
PS MyMod:\> Get-Help Audit-QuickGroup


    This function takes the distinguishedName of a group in any domain and writes
    the results of that group membership to a csv file of the same name.

    Audit-QuickGroup [-Name] [<String>] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction [<ActionPreference>]] [-WarningAction [<ActionPreference>]] [-ErrorVariable [<String>]] [-WarningVariable [<String>
    ]] [-OutVariable [<String>]] [-OutBuffer [<Int32>]] [<CommonParameters>]

    This script uses get-recursivegroupmembership function to get the group membership


    To see the examples, type: "get-help Audit-QuickGroup -examples".
    For more information, type: "get-help Audit-QuickGroup -detailed".
    For technical information, type: "get-help Audit-QuickGroup -full".

What I learned

This was an interesting exercise. It was pretty easy, but I did stumble a bit with the module (how I wish there has been better documentation on modules with CTP3!). Here are some of my take-aways relating to PowerShell modules in CTP3:

  1. Turning a set of inter-related scripts into a module is both easy, and a good thing!
  2. If you have a module that you want to also have a manifest with, they can both have the same file name but with different extensions (the module itself in a .psm1 file and the manifest in a pds1 file).
  3. To export only a subset of the functions in the .psm1 file, you use the ExportedFunctions feature in the manifest.
  4. To export multiple functions you enclose the set of functions as a string array inside the parenthesis. See this in line 24 above. This format was not all that obvious at first.
  5. You can add statements into the module that are executed when you import the module. See Line 2 in the module – this prints out a short message when you import the module. This has some great potential – thanks to Jeffrey Snover for the tip!
  6. If you import a module (using import-module as above) you can generally remove it using remove-module. This aids in testing!

There’s certainly room for improvement in this module. One thing that could be done would be to check to see if the Quest QAD tools were installed and issue a warning message if not (even better, if the tools are not found the script could go get them and install them for you auto-magically!). There should also be some trap or try/catch statements in the functions to better handle errors. Some auditing of the functions usage could also be implemented.

Modules are pretty cool – I hope this helps you understand them a bit better!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

PowerShell on Server Core

One of my true delights, as a PowerShell MVP, has been to see the incredible PowerShell community grow and attract some really super smart people. Dmitry's another of those incredible people who's brought so much to the community (e.g. the PowerShell AD cmdlets - Dmitry's from Quest!).

And now he's gone and done it again. His blog post:PowerShell on Server Core does what you expect from a title of that name - it tells you how to get Server Core run PowerShell.

This is cool. Seriously cool, albeit very unsupported. Would I deploy this to a production network? Er, no.  Do I have it running in my lab at home? Well - not yet. But only because I've not been home enough recently to actually try this. :-)

Despite the non-supported nature, well done and thanks. VERY Cool!