Every year, like many of you, I submit proposals for TechEd. In recent years, they’ve been less than successful – the competition is very fierce and there is so much great content to choose from. I almost have to feel sorry for the Microsoft folks having to wade through hundreds of proposals.
This year, I submitted three talks, two around PowerShell and one around OCS. To my great surprise and delight, one has thus far been accepted! YEAH
The accepted break out sessions, part of the Unified Communications track, is entitled “SIP - Naked In All Its Glory”. The abstract for the talk is:
This session will look at the key protocols behind Microsoft's OCS product, in particular Session Initiaion Protocol as well as Real Time Transfer Protocol (RTP) and Session Description Protocol. A short discussion on TCP, TLS, and PSOM will also be given. The talk will focus on looking at the SIP and related protocols "on the wire". We'll dive in to using NetMon as well as OCS's Snooper tool. Troubleshooting SIP will be the final part of this talk.
I’m still waiting on the other two talk proposals. The other proposed talks are PowerShell related and are titled: “PowerShell and WMI”, and “Writing Production Quality Power Shell Scripts with PowerShell V2 and Windows Serer 2008 R2”. I await the verdict on those two talks, but would like to think that at least one will get accepted
Irrespective of the PowerShell talks, I’m really excited that I’ll be a speaker again. LA, here I come!