Sunday, November 19, 2006

Downloading of Vistga/Office is Choking

Microsoft released Windows  Vista to the MSDN and Connect sites on Friday of this week. I managed to kick off my download Friday morning (Barcelona time) and finished it off by Saturday Morning UK time. It would have downloaded faster had I not been travelling, but for me it did not really matter as I'm simply to jammed to actually install it.

However, it looks like Microsoft has underestimated the load that the download would create. It appears that the X64 edition as been temporarily pulled, and some MSDN customers say they can's see the X86 version either.

It would be easy to point out the MOF Capacity Management SMF (ITIL has a simlilar SMF), but it would be unfair. I suspect that no matter how much bandwidth/servers MS chucked in, the load would still be high. And besides, this is the first time so much software has been released via the web all at once.

Hopefully, the uber-geeks will have their copies by Monday when the corporate MSDN customers come in to work and want to resume the download.

As an aside, I saw around 10 people yesterday in Barcelona (IT Forum) trying to download. It sure would have been a good idea to have placed an MSDN cache in the IT Forum communication network.

The only question I have is: where's MOSS???


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