Sunday, February 01, 2015

Adding an Endpoint to an Azure VM

In a recent blog article, I showed you how you can create an Azure VM. If you are familiar with Hyper-V and the Hyper-V cmdlets – the approach is a little different (since you configure Azure differently). One aspect of creating a VM is how you, in effect, open ports to an Azure VM.

With Azure, you create an end point that, in effect, creates a public port and an internal port for your VM. You create one port, which is the public port (on the Azure service) and an internal port for the VM. The approach to doing this is pretty straightforward, although it's a pipelined pattern:

Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $ServiceName -Name $VmName  |
  Add-AzureEndPoint -Name "Http" -Protocol "tcp" -PublicPort 80
-LocalPort 80  |

This pattern has you first get the Azure VM object, to which you add an Azure endpoint. Then the updated object is piped to Update-AzureVm which adds the new endpoint to the VM. Of course, if the end point already exists, this pattern would throw an exception. With Add-AzureEndPoint, you specify the protocol, and public and external ports. This 'one-liner' creates a public port and an internal (local) port to enable the VM to serve HTTP traffic.

I've created a simple script, over on, that implements a New-HttpVmEndpoint function which you can use to add a new HTTP endpoint to a virtual machine. This script omits some error handling you might wish to add in. For example, you might want to check whether the end point already exists. or whether the VM and VM service exist. You could obviously extend that script to add other endpoints (eg HTTPS).

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