Monday, December 23, 2019

PowerShell Core/7 - Velocity

When the open-source PowerShell team shipped the first two releases of PowerShell Core 6.x, I tweeted that this was a little bit like what I remember of PowerShell V1. A product with incredible potential, a release that is a fantastic proof of concept, but with a loooooong way to go. Jeffrey Snover, in a reply tweet, agreed but made the point that PowerShell Core had a much better velocity. 

As I use PowerShell 7 RC1, I realise just how true his words were. For me, this is kind of like going from PowerShell 1 to PowerShell 5 - it's that big of an improvement in functionality, usability, and performance. 

If you navigate there you see a dashboard like this:

There are two interesting things, to me, about this dashboard. The first is that the bulk of usage is Linux with a small bit of Windows and tiny bit of Mac. But even more interesting, is the spike of usage over weekends for Linux.

As you can see from the overall graphs, usage is growing - I would expect a big increase in Windows come the new year. We'll see!

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