Using PowerShell, you can use the firewall COM object to obtain details of the Windows Firewall.
Here's how to get the object and the Firewall profile:
PSH [D:\foo]: # create com object
PSH [D:\foo]: $profile = (new-object -com HNetCfg.FwMgr).LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile
Once you get this object created, you can examine it and determine your firewall setup as follows:
PSH [D:\foo]: # determine global open ports (NB there aren't any!)
PSH [D:\foo]: $profile.GloballyOpenPorts | ft name, port
PSH [D:\foo]: # determine authorised applications
PSH [D:\foo]: $profile.AuthorizedApplications | ? {$_.Enabled} | ft name
Virtual PC 2007
Microsoft Office OneNote
Microsoft Office Groove
PSH [D:\foo]: # determine enabled services
PSH [D:\foo]: $profile.Services | ? {$_.Enabled} | ft name
File and Printer Sharing
Network Discovery
PSH [D:\foo]: # determine enabled services (ports)
PSH [D:\foo]: $profile.Services | ? {$_.Enabled} | select -expand GloballyOpenPorts
Name : File and Printer Sharing (NB-Session-In)
IpVersion : 2
Protocol : 6
Port : 139
Scope : 1
RemoteAddresses : LocalSubnet
Enabled : True
BuiltIn : True
Name : File and Printer Sharing (SMB-In)
IpVersion : 2
Protocol : 6
Port : 445
Scope : 1
RemoteAddresses : LocalSubnet
Enabled : True
BuiltIn : True
Name : File and Printer Sharing (NB-Name-In)
IpVersion : 2
Protocol : 17
Port : 137
Scope : 1
RemoteAddresses : LocalSubnet
Enabled : True
BuiltIn : True
Name : File and Printer Sharing (NB-Datagram-In)
IpVersion : 2
Protocol : 17
Port : 138
Scope : 1
RemoteAddresses : LocalSubnet
Enabled : True
BuiltIn : True
Name : Network Discovery (SSDP-In)
IpVersion : 2
Protocol : 17
Port : 1900
Scope : 1
RemoteAddresses : LocalSubnet
Enabled : True
BuiltIn : True
Name : Network Discovery (UPnP-In)
IpVersion : 2
Protocol : 6
Port : 2869
Scope : 1
RemoteAddresses : LocalSubnet
Enabled : True
BuiltIn : True
You could of course, do some better formatting of this information. And as you might imagine, this method only works on the current machine - the New-Object command does not allow you to remote the object creation.
Thanks to Jacques Barathon for this tip!!